Are plotless stories whose only point is sex. WAFF: Warm And Fuzzy Feelings
(Feeling warm and cuddly). Sweet story. VERY sweet. Empalagosisima @. @ RPS:
Real Person Slash (Slash with real people)
Fics that usually have a certain number of words (-though usually under five hundred, 100, 111, 200, 252, etc) and / or series of words that should appear obligation (pickles, armor, ass, asshole, etc) ... sometimes also a particular situation or a couple. AU
: Altern Universe (alternate universe). It's when you take the characters and are used in an alternate universe.
Right now I can not think more termrps fanfiction in a conception of reality is always, always fictional. I can write that Die like soy sauce and Die * I * liked the soy sauce, maybe not true. Die writing * never * DIE may be real. In the background, fanfictions always play with a false reality, and when real people, they just become characters.
4 - Would you ask me I can write a fanfic / songfic / Drabble?
course! ^ ^ I love writing on commission almost more than for myself, but I must warn that I am very detailed. If you want to tell me a fanfic characters, couples, certain situation that you would like to view. If it is a songfic, the couple and the song. If you are a number of Palabé Drabbleras, gender, couples and single words that you please.
5 - What's your name? / How old are you? / Where are you?
in my journal:
, you can see that sort of thing ^ ^
Comments Frequently (I have been before, and that is why I made this blog friends only)
1 - Your job sucks
2 - You are mentally ill ...
Yes, thank you ^ ^ (Did you know that mental Cerradicas is also a disease?; D)
3 - Dir en Grey has said he abhors them co fanfictions
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