When it applies, Crawford/Schuldig
Disclaimer: Not mine. A/N: Thank you very much to Avierra for the beta-reading and general awesomeness. You're always a big help.
Size II
"Crawford said that I shouldn't trust you. That if you're given an inch, you'll take a mile." His eyes narrowed Schuldig at the indirect insult, annoyed the Oracle's meddling That Would Hinder His plans. "I suppose I have Stated That He Was talking from experience ..." I coldly Answered Nagi. The kid Did offer a reply. "Well," Said airly Schuldig, "Crawford ask, on my Behalf, What use I Could Have Possibly for That miserable inch of his." Nagi finally paused Before Asking, "How is it That Everything you say about Crawford ends up sounding like sex? "
" Probably Because that's what I'm talking about. "
Razor's E abort any possible attempt at kicking. That proved to be sort of revealing. Maybe they got off on it more literally than they had previously thought. When the words came, they were more breath than sound. "If I kiss you now, will you bite my tongue off?"
Schuldig didn't reply immediately. He just narrowed his eyes and panted, tense as a rubber band about to snap.
Crawford did it anyway.
The kiss was furious, hungry, intense, a mirror of their relationship. Their bodies pressed together and moved for friction, for contact, for pleasure, for reassurance, who knew what for... tongues invaded and claimed, but when the kiss finally ended, Both of Them returned home unscathed. Still pinned
Against The Wall, historical rest Schuldig Against Crawford's forehead and tried to calm His labored breathing. The Apparent intimacy and trust of the gesture Crawford Did not surprise anymore, the telepath Like That WAS weird. He Did not notice how weird events I WAS Himself at Allowing the contact, at Being pleased by it. None of Them Talk About What They ever had.
"You 'saw' That I Would not bite you," finally Schuldig Accused. Closing
His Eyes, The Distance Between Them Since WAS too short to focus historical sight, Crawford sighed.
"No, I did not."
"Then, why did you Risk It?" It Was
n't as if Schuldig wasn't really able to bite his leader's tongue off. He wasn't the one to always ponder consequences and take sensible decisions.
"Because I made you think that I knew you wouldn't." Far from getting angry, Schuldig smirked and let his body relax. Crawford didn't need to know everything, just make people think that he did. "You, son of a bitch..." Schuldig said without anger, nearly with admiration, before tilting his head and kissing Crawford again.
Weiß III
(Inspired by ep.22 of the WK anime)
hji! "
" You're a fucking bastard, I hope you realize. "
" And I hope you realize That You Should Have Killed Them. "
" But They Were kissing! "
"..." "..." "..."
" Do not look at me like that! They Were kissing! "
For Some Reason, meat Schuldig's questions always in the worst moments. Normally, when to Crawford WAS Something Trying to concentrate on mattersnt. The Oracle's guess WAS telepath That the Amount of Spent a considerable effort "in planning the right time to let Them out. "Hey, Crawford, I'm curious ... can you see your own future? "
Not Letting His annoyance show, Crawford replied distractedly," What about you, Schuldig ... can you lie to yourself? "dazing Before the effect of the empty witticism Could wear off, Crawford Stood up and left the room. When finally Schuldig
meat up with the right comeback, I WAS alone. He grinned. Contrary to popular belief, I Did not mind losing a battle or two if the enemy WAS worthy. And There Was not a more formidable opponent Than Brad Crawford. Leaning back, he started to plan next move historicalin this silly war of theirs.
Happy Ending
(Written for two_point, Following her prompt free)
"So, What Now?" Because
, in Schuldig's experience, sex Complicated Things. In FACT, I wasn't totally sure about historical Reasons to Agree to fuck up the best professional Relationship Had I ever had.
"Now," Crawford Answered, Taking an unusually long drag of historical post-coital cigarette. It Was the first time Schuldig saw him enjoying the habit INSTEAD of just Being efficient about it, "we conquer the world."XC
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