Friday, December 18, 2009

Viper Bluetooth Helmet Motorcycle Birthday Eve

or crazy with my usual parsimony, simply because I enjoy the day. At least in my day.
and is becoming a habit not only at home, but everywhere it running to and fro, preparing a thousand other things ending with hundreds of topics. Is not there a moment to live? Yes, there is work, study activities, the day is short, the burden is great, just the money, comes the crisis, broke it, repair that ... Adult life is not life, is busy.

In December, New Year, Christmas season, festive, people are so crazy in the streets. &has sent Christ to the world. If not, celebrate the new year as a starting back, and the old year ends with a discussion of what should be improved and what needs to change.

There are other religions or traditions, each with their approach to the holiday. Instead we live in a world that is so Anoy Christmas gift season, profit, and cheesy commercials. We have good intentions, yes, we celebrate Christmas, yes, but please stop exploiting us. There are people who supposedly depressed these times because we all have to be happy, when the reality is that life is difficult, and not everything isbright, white snow and lights (something, incidentally, very absurd in a tropical country with 40 degrees Celsius).

One celebrates Christmas or Hanukkah, or New Year, because he understands that it makes sense. The rest is trade. So to my beautiful people, I wish you above all to stop thinking of the sumptuous dinner, gifts, trees, and other fashions, think big and how hard it was this year, appreciate the beautiful , analyze errors and learn something new, embrace those who are with him and remember those lost cariñoa. But above all, do not forget to take your time, no running, no speed. Life is short to waste in Tonto & iaNon comune XC a gift - not a common gift

Di quelli che hai mai aperto personal or - Of those who lost or never opened

O Lasciate in treno or mai accettato - or left on the train or never acceptable

Di quelli che e poi apri Piangi - Of those that open and weep

Che sei e non feigned happy - are you happy and do not pretend

E in questo giorno di metà settembre - In mid-September diaa
dedicherò Ti ... - I dedicate

Il mio più great gift - My greatest gift

donare Vorrei il tuo sorriso perché alla moon - I want to donate your sonrisa to the moon para que

At night, the viewer can think of you - De noche en quien aim puedo think you

To remind you that my love is important - Para que mi amor es recordarte

That's not important matter what people say because - no matter Que lo que porque

people say you have protected me with your jealousy - Tu me has Protected by celo que también

very tired your smile did not go away - Aunque no se muy Cansada you sonrisa marchaba

have to leave but if your presence in my heart - Debe hand it keep you presencia en el corazón

It 's always coming and never partOrre give your smile to the moon

At night the viewer can think of you

To remind you that my love is important

that no matter what people say because you have protected me

with your jealousy

very tired your smile did not go away

have to leave but if your presence in my heart

It 's always coming and never

And when the end arrived now that it is a ravine - Y ahora llegara el fin que sea en un abismo

not only for you to hate me for wanting to fly - only hate No para Querer Querer volar por

And if you deny all this extremema agony - And if you deny all this extreme agony you

negative E anche la vita mia breathe - If you breathe life denied mine
E Stavo
Attento a non amare di prima incontrarti - I was aware not to find love before

E confondevo mine in quella degli altri vita - and confused my life with that of other

Farmi Non voglio più adesso of male - I do not want to harm me now

Amore .. .

Vorrei amore il tuo sorriso alla donare moon

Di notte perché chi Possa guard pensare a te
Per che è il mio amore Che Non important matters


Friday, December 11, 2009

Cool Ways To Decorate An End Table

Exam time, horribilidad and that ... I come to talk about what has allowed me to maintain sanity.


Osu! is a game for PC (and soon iPhone) based on the mechanics of Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, mohair! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (arf), Nipponese two games for the DS, and Elite Beat Agents, the American version of the game, also for DS. The change is that, apart from being free, allows any user to create their own beatmaps and share. It also includes a ranking for the best scores for each song and an integrated chat (although not usually use xD).

and such service is this: the rhythm of a song, will appeareds say, few notes in a row without fail take.

And the ranking, you can hide in order not to stress while playing
xD And here is the final screen when you finish a beatmap.

That's the rank, which can be SS (Perfect all), S (very good), A, B, C and even D, although it is difficult to remove because they usually would fail the song before xD various statistics, such as total of 300, 100 and 50 in the entire song, a graph of your performance Photobucket ...
Other special modes, such as the Hard Rock, which makes you smaller circles and reverses the path (the circle hit that came up comes down and vice versa), and in returnthe score tells you more. There is also to make it easier, for example Easy mode (sacrificing some punctuation, of course). There are also what they do not affect the score, such as Sudden Death (death as failure of a hit) or Video No, it does so, turn off the background video beatmap. It seems silly, but very distracting xD videos

Although not all Osu! in Osu! There are also two modes of play: Taiko, rhythmic drums, and Catch the Beat, which is more skill, so you can play with the same beatmaps and for those who already rankings. I explain more about them, but it is better to find out for yourself = P Photobucket If someone gets bitten by curiosity, you can go to the homepage
anddownload the game, as I said free. It is in English, but I sure the arreglaréis. And do not complain, that I played the two Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan without understanding Japanese potato

xD And this is my profile. Photobucket If you engancháis final, I can recommend you some beatmaps groovy = D this is my ID card, because I love these things xD

See! = D Photobucket

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Crossed Marks Porcelain Labyrinths of Jorge Luis Borges Ficciones

I stand in front of a short story collection of the most unusual, the issue seems to indicate the infinite itself, the reality of endless variables and even more of the dream world. Trying to explain

Borges Ficciones be a vain side, and on the other too. Fictions reach their own interpretation in the mind of every reader, turn the book that speaks one of his stories, the combination of possible ideas embodied in 25 written signs.

fiction is not a simple book, and after the first two stories, one could feel, for not confusing. First with a narration of the story of a fantastic world, told in first person. Followed by a replica of a chapter of Don Quixote textual and without reading

Monday, December 7, 2009

How Long Does Carbs Stay In Your Body For?

It's 3 PM, it's my time to go online, and quickly click on the Google search word "Lolita" and immediately, between pornography less I care, I find what I call the attention on wikipedia "rorita fasshon."

This Japanese word means "Lolita fashion." Girls who like to wear dresses in the Victorian era inspire and sometimes in the Rococo era, but essentially relies on the same shape: a skirt with a court determined to make the bell-shaped knee, a blouse with a round collar, sleeves globe-shaped, and accessories vary by subject and time (as stamped crowns and scepters for Hime-Princess-crosses as prints and platforms for Gonen marked a stereotype where they are immersed in a world of fantasy, in the infinite beauty, worship back to ancient times, the demand for the aesthetically beautiful, ornate and even decadent and exaggerated.

A Lolita in Spain, look at your TV screen, where they spend a Dossier which speak of the Lolitas, who stress that a movement is very feminine, delicate, elegant, where everything is the first Romantic acceptable style where life does not fit into the world of adults, living in dresses, decorations, candy, cake as laptops, cell phones involved in diamond jewelry, tea houses dating, dreams girl made out of a fabric.

The English Lolita OFFassume that Lolita should take account of its strong economic investment to look as such.

Sometimes, if the girl interested in this movement, have trouble getting clothes for the Internet and chooses to seam, you can get to make their own clothes, or send them to do, have different outcomes (a beautiful set made with a fabric of the highest quality or in the worst case, pieces of cloth with lots of cheap shoddy fit strategically misplaced, making a shape like a dress). As for when to use it, varies: when Lolita meetings, and often in the comic book convention, hardly one can dress Lolita daily, casual Lolita many clothes you have.
While in the East, a Lolita can spend about 8000 dollars on a complete set without problems, usually due to their high income, and then use in a nightclub where they dance, drink, enjoy the atmosphere, like any normal person.

in Mexico still has the stigma of a Lolita should be delicate, fine, friendly and should not be angry, not revenge, but must have positive feelings and be cute. Some people believe that Lolita can get designer clothes or dressed in Lolita clothing made from inferior materials is only a facade, while other specific Lolitas are true because they carry such a movement as possible, within the est

My Mom Touched My Breasts

The new millennium has been the most favorable for the country. The capacity of its ruling during the first years of the decade has been in doubt to say the least, the sporting career has been stalled, in many cases by the same policy through networks tending inefficient bureaucracies. Those who once shone in the stadiums, tracks and found defects in the political.

But sport, like the Roman Circus seems to comply in a manner more effective than its share of social control. Hundreds of words can be written on the subject, but here only serve to contextualize the decline this decade ah for the country involved. The most radical have called failed state, but are thinking perhaps incongruous

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ps3 Widescreen Black Bars

In the first week of December one is surprised to witness an intolerable amount of Christmas ads, toys, household items, promotions, special events, wines, toys, more toys to offers ...

We also know that we do not get rid of those smarmy ads telethon we look, from the metro traffic cries of the harvesters stunned a little tour.

us add a noisy environment as non-tory reappearance of Don Rafael, media attention needed to survive.

And December seems even less promising than last year.

But I took the time to a place where these things are not happening, where in fact there have been at least three days, flatlydo silence reminiscent of older people as it used to be their small town before the advent of technologies of the second half of the twentieth century.

La Sierra Norte de Puebla, towns of no more than 30.000 inhabitants, is forgotten by electricity since last Tuesday, unusual, important and even more suspiciously, unheard, in the sense anaudito more meaning of the word, no news I've seen nor heard news programs where the news is mentioned. Clearly stated I have not looked at every station, but usually failing to find the news of first instance means that most people would not know it. Except by family ties to the area, I could have ignored and others like me socough.

Suppose that by the time you read this article, electricity, the buzz has become a thing of the past.

If nothing was reported for that time nobody will be surprised and will be perhaps a little more obvious that the country has become an unending chaos, which the media have failed and that any space like this should be taken to inform should be .

perhaps because people have no electricity, but due to the country in general what ever she needed more light.

Honey Extractor For Sale

Indeed for ls is over next week the Journal change of address, home becomes a journalistic practice of Genera-ed pieces not only by me but by those who kindly lent his pen to the enrichment of the views and issues expressed here. As to whether the Journal returns to its previous more chaotic, there is no certainty about it.

The end of the year is shown as an appropriate stage to discuss the country's environment, while complying with the final work.

I come in the next post to start the change of route.