In the first week of December one is surprised to witness an intolerable amount of Christmas ads, toys, household items, promotions, special events, wines, toys, more toys to offers ...
We also know that we do not get rid of those smarmy ads telethon we look, from the metro traffic cries of the harvesters stunned a little tour.
us add a noisy environment as non-tory reappearance of Don Rafael, media attention needed to survive.
And December seems even less promising than last year.
But I took the time to a place where these things are not happening, where in fact there have been at least three days, flatlydo silence reminiscent of older people as it used to be their small town before the advent of technologies of the second half of the twentieth century.
La Sierra Norte de Puebla, towns of no more than 30.000 inhabitants, is forgotten by electricity since last Tuesday, unusual, important and even more suspiciously, unheard, in the sense anaudito more meaning of the word, no news I've seen nor heard news programs where the news is mentioned. Clearly stated I have not looked at every station, but usually failing to find the news of first instance means that most people would not know it. Except by family ties to the area, I could have ignored and others like me socough.
Suppose that by the time you read this article, electricity, the buzz has become a thing of the past.
If nothing was reported for that time nobody will be surprised and will be perhaps a little more obvious that the country has become an unending chaos, which the media have failed and that any space like this should be taken to inform should be .
perhaps because people have no electricity, but due to the country in general what ever she needed more light.
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