Exam time, horribilidad and that ... I come to talk about what has allowed me to maintain sanity.
Osu! is a game for PC (and soon iPhone) based on the mechanics of Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, mohair! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (arf), Nipponese two games for the DS, and Elite Beat Agents, the American version of the game, also for DS. The change is that, apart from being free, allows any user to create their own beatmaps and share. It also includes a ranking for the best scores for each song and an integrated chat (although not usually use xD).
and such service is this: the rhythm of a song, will appeareds say, few notes in a row without fail take.
And the ranking, you can hide in order not to stress while playing
xD And here is the final screen when you finish a beatmap.
That's the rank, which can be SS (Perfect all), S (very good), A, B, C and even D, although it is difficult to remove because they usually would fail the song before xD various statistics, such as total of 300, 100 and 50 in the entire song, a graph of your performance ...
Other special modes, such as the Hard Rock, which makes you smaller circles and reverses the path (the circle hit that came up comes down and vice versa), and in returnthe score tells you more. There is also to make it easier, for example Easy mode (sacrificing some punctuation, of course). There are also what they do not affect the score, such as Sudden Death (death as failure of a hit) or Video No, it does so, turn off the background video beatmap. It seems silly, but very distracting xD videos
Although not all Osu! in Osu! There are also two modes of play: Taiko, rhythmic drums, and Catch the Beat, which is more skill, so you can play with the same beatmaps and for those who already rankings. I explain more about them, but it is better to find out for yourself = P If someone gets bitten by curiosity, you can go to the homepage
anddownload the game, as I said free. It is in English, but I sure the arreglaréis. And do not complain, that I played the two Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan without understanding Japanese potato
xD And this is my profile. If you engancháis final, I can recommend you some beatmaps groovy = D this is my ID card, because I love these things xD
See! = D
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