Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bump Inside Nose Hurts Plugging agujerooos as obreroooos

Originally published at

K-teto's Blog . Puede comment here or There .

What I'm going to start singing, come on.

These days I'm taking advantage to make the forum a little point, to polish some bugs, add things interesting and cover some gaps.
'm also the opportunity to raise some questions now that I have time to be attentive to what is said, really, really helps people with their opinions, and sincere to me bjdoll'm finding out, in another place, a forum bjd called The Other Side, which, on condition of anonymity, reveals gaps, not only of bjdoll, but many other sites, people, everything, using this yearanonymity to declare what they think without fear.

not enter the game I think that if cowardice around here that if peeling over there, those things bring me to my carelessness, sometimes anonymity is a tool, and certainly is a means, not an end.
The thing is that what they say, in large part, are true, but then see other threads where it is going to skin just one of a gallery in which stockings out with pellets, really ... not so bad, in fact not at all, that's just being picky, because if they wanted to give examples of galleries "this should not be done" there are a kick before that XDD
And on bjdoll, have spoken, and what they have spoken, despite being largely bseriousness that sometimes seems to be in, but really, that's what sets us apart, making it enjoyable.

offtopics Another issue where there are plays, and this has posed a serious manner.

The galleries, the quality of the photos, because I think there are more or less a consensus that can not be required a minimum level in the photos, but each of us has to try to do my best, actually saw galleries they were to lie to mourn, but those things are less and less, we must be on the forum every day to notice this trend to improve, but there is.

also reproached me my absence. Ahi
I can not help but admit it, without apology, that could give them, but I do not excuse solve anything

Monday, November 10, 2008

What Bucking For A Bar 10 Hello World!

Well, as seen in the name of the lj and all my interests ... I'm a fangirl. Practically everything. I started at 13, and every time I get worse. I just lacked the livejournal, I need to fangirl with SLQH ... xD
Presentation ... My nick is yunhaiiro, but if you acortáis to Yun, the better. Hai-iro means gray in Japanese, is a metaphor for the duality that I can be, white or black. Either that, or is it sounded good and I've been a bit silly of him xD
time I've had a blog long ago, he used to host my webcomic, but ... kinda failed. Still do not know if I'll be able to follow a blog with some regularity, but I'll try. With what I like to talk, I do not know how these things go.
Anyway, back tomorrow or so ... I want to do or

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Easton Sv12 Softball Bat Ssv1b Fastpitch

Originally published at

K-teto's Blog . Puede comment here or There . Dear

do not know how to tell you this, you're a pervert. I have realized this when he slapped me under the bus and I saw you recording your initials into my avocado plant. I am sure that you mongolica enough to understand that I'm open. I'll give you back the couch cushions, but I will save your collection of butterflies as a memory. You should also know that you never liked the apartment building.
Burn, K-teto. Instructions

... down there (before you reach the dragons!).

CHTMLManchester United Nothing, my statue of John Kennedy Other: the Mad Monk (6) Would you rather watch on TV? The News: Man The man Paco: emotional Sin Tetas no paradise: open / a Lost: bright House: scared shitless / a Physics and Chemistry: left / a

The Simpsons: I know what you coward

did: Mongolian / a
Parent: Masochistic
X Factor: You are going senile

Middle-class None of the above

: Ashamed

(7) How are you now? Happy: how mad / a I've felt Sad: I bored you are bored: there is no Santa Claus angry do / a: that your beans are left with a news depressed, we're cousins Excited as

/ a: that this has no solution

worried That your Honda sucks
Nervous / a: I underwent a sex change
Embarrassed: I'm allergic to your hamster
very happy: I was attacked / on by garbage
Other: I'm open / a

(8) What color are your walls room?

White: Your ring Yellow
: Your love letters Red
-your Darth Vader poster Black


Your tame stone Blue: The couch cushions Green

: Images of Los Angeles

Orange: Your false teeth Brown
: Your contact book Grey
: your
never forget E / F - Always wanted to break
G / H - Never openly mocked
I / J - Always have felt dirty after
K / L - Will tell the authorities that
M / N - today I confess on
O / P - Was interviewed by the Times on
Q / R - Told my psychiatrist about
S / T - Get sick when I think
U / V - Always will try to forget

W / X - Am better off without

Y / Z - Never liked

(11) Do you prefer to drink?

Water-Our friendship Beer
: your future senility
Cups: your new life as a clone
Fanta: The incarnation as an eskimo Milk
: the apartment building C